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Auditory stimuli related

  1. Freedlanda RL, Festa C, Sealy M, McBean A, Elghazaly P, Capan A, Brozycki L, Nelson AJ, Rothman J : The effects of pulsed auditory stimulation on various gait measurements in persons with Parkinson’s Disease. NeuroRehabilitation 17 (2002), 81–87.
  2. Suteerawattananon M, Morris GS, Etnyre BR, Jankovic J, Protas EJ: Effects of visual and auditory cues on gait in individuals with Parkinson’s disease. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 219 (2004), 63– 69.
  3. Nascimento LR, Caetano LCG, Freitas DCMA, Morais TM, Polese JC, Teixeira-Salmela LF: Different instructions during the ten-meter walking test determined significant increases in maximum gait speed in individuals with chronic hemiparesis. Rev Bras Fisioter. (2011)