Meeting history
“…every human being has hidden potential…” Dr Herman Kabat
“…People Need Function…”
“…see the whole human being…”
“…treat the whole person…”
“…don´t talk too much, just do it…” Maggie Knott
“…mobilize reserves of the patient…”
Foundation of the IPNFA
1st president: Louise Rutz LaPitz
1st vice-president: Hink Mangold
“…positive approach…”
“…three-dimensional movement…”
“…PNF Basic Principles & Procedures…”
“…every movement is goal oriented…”
“…proprioceptors, exteroceptors, teleceptors…”
“…give self-confidence back to our patient…”
“…repetitions without repetitions…”
“…PNF Patterns…”
“…stay in the groove…”
“…International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)…”
“…practice makes perfect…”
“…use of motor control principles…”
“…PNF Techniques…”
“…the visual, verbal, and tactile stimulus…”
“…functional approach…”
“…use your body mechanic…”
“…temporal & spatial summation of stimuli…”
“…timing & timing for emphasis….”
“…three-dimensional resistance…”
“…use of motor learning principles…”
“…Muscle spindle, Golgi Tendon Organs…”
“…postural control…”
“…long term potentiation (LTP), long term depression (LTD)…”
“…motivation, emotions…”
“…function & structure, activity, participation…”
“…postural control…”
“…moblisation of reserves…”
“…back to the alignment & beyond…”