メンバーズ エリア 連絡先


Meeting history

1984 Bad Ragaz - Switzerland

“…every human being has hidden potential…” Dr Herman Kabat

1985 Frankfurt - Germany

“…People Need Function…”

1986 Bad Ragaz - Switzerland

“…see the whole human being…”

1987 Genève - Switzerland

“…treat the whole person…”

1988 Berlin - Germany

“…don´t talk too much, just do it…” Maggie Knott

1989 Vallejo – U.S.A.

“…mobilize reserves of the patient…”

1990 Basel Switzerland

Foundation of the IPNFA
1st president: Louise Rutz LaPitz
1st vice-president: Hink Mangold

1991 London – Great Britain

“…positive approach…”

1992 Hoensbroeck - Netherlands

“…three-dimensional movement…”

1993 Vallejo - U.S.A.

“…PNF Basic Principles & Procedures…”

1994 Giesen - Germany

“…every movement is goal oriented…”

1995 Bad Ragaz - Switzerland


1996 Göteborg - Sweden

“…proprioceptors, exteroceptors, teleceptors…”

1997 Hamburg - Germany

“…give self-confidence back to our patient…”

1998 Vallejo - U.S.A.

“…repetitions without repetitions…”

1999 Mainz - Germany

“…PNF Patterns…”

2000 Vienna - Austria

“…stay in the groove…”

2001 Lausanne - Switzerland

“…International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)…”

2002 Krakow - Poland

“…practice makes perfect…”

2003 Vallejo - U.S.A.

“…use of motor control principles…”

2004 Bad Nauheim - Germany

“…PNF Techniques…”

2005 Tokyo - Japan

“…the visual, verbal, and tactile stimulus…”

2006 Ljubljana - Slovenia

“…functional approach…”

2007 Napa/Vallejo – U.S.A

“…use your body mechanic…”

2008 Hoensbroek - Netherlands

“…temporal & spatial summation of stimuli…”

2009 Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

“…timing & timing for emphasis….”

2010 Graz - Austria

“…three-dimensional resistance…”

2011 Vallejo – U.S.A.

“…use of motor learning principles…”

2012 Budapest – Hungary


2013 Seoul – South Korea


2014 Thessaloniki - Greece

“…Muscle spindle, Golgi Tendon Organs…”

2015 Vallejo - U.S.A.

“…postural control…”

2016 Munich, Germany

“…long term potentiation (LTP), long term depression (LTD)…”

2017 Warsaw, Poland

“…motivation, emotions…”

2018 Opatija, Croatia


2019 Vallejo, USA

“…function & structure, activity, participation…”

2020 The 1st IPNFA® Online Congress


2021 The 2nd IPNFA® Online Congress

“…postural control…”

2022 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

“…mobilisation of reserves…”

Sofia, Bulgaria

“…back to the alignment & beyond…”