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Here you can find a choice of helpful literature about special issues around PNF. They are divided in several topics assorted in different submenu-items.

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The IPNFA includes these PNF and PNF related texts for your reference/information and is not responsible for the content, scientific background and terminology used in these publications.

PNF Text Books: (Download as pdf)

Text Books – PNF + Motor Learning.pdf

  1. Knott M, Voss DE: Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation – patterns and techniques 2nd edition. New York Harper & Row publishers 1968.
  2. Voss DE, Jonta MK, Meyers BJ: Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation – patterns and techniques 3rd edition. New York Harper & Row publishers 1985.
  3. Adler S, Beckers D, Buck M: PNF in Practice. Berlin Heidelberg,Springer Verlag / publishers 1993, 2000, 2008, 2014. (Available in English, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Czech. Greek, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Russian)
  4. Bae, S: 신경물리치료; PNF (Shin kyung Mulli Chiryo / Neural Physical Therapy; PNF) 2nd edition. Seoul, 대학서림 (Dai Hak Seo Lim) 2010.
  5. Bae S: 고유수용성신경근 촉진법; 진단 및 중재 (goyu suyongseong singyeonggeun chogjin; jindan mich jungjae / Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation; diagnosis and intervention) Seoul, 대학서림 (Dai Hak Seo Lim) 2012.
  6. Dietz B: Let’s sprint, let’s skate, Innovationen im PNF-Konzept. Berlin, Springer 2009.
  7. Hedin- Anden S: PNF Grundverfahren und funtionelles Training. München, Urban & Fischer1994.
  8. Horst R: Motorisches Strategietraining und PNF. Stuttgart, Thieme 2005.
  9. Horst R: Therapiekonzepte in der Physiotherapie-PNF. Stuttgart, Thieme 2008.
  10. Sullivan PE, Markos PD, Minor MA: PNF- Ein weg zum therapeutischen Üben. Stuttgart, Fischer Verlag 1985.

Motor learning Text Books:

  1. Shumway-Cook A, Woollacott MA: Motor Control: Translationg Research into Clinical practice. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins 1995, 2001, 2007
  2. Schmidt RA, Lee TD: Motor Control and Learning. A behavioural Emphasis, 4th and 5th edition. Champaign, Sheridan Books 2005 2009
  3. Latasch ML, Lestienne F: Motor Control and Learning. New York, Springer Science + Business media, Inc 2006